About us

About Us

This web site is created by people trying to make money online in a way that is ethical, moral, contributes, and adds value to the online community.  It should also leave positive energy in the online experience space and not a negative vacuum experience for people using internet services.

Admittedly, I had hoped to make money each time I subscribed to a service or set up a website or a blog. Also, my use of Google ad sense has not really produced any income so far. Things can change, and I am still learning and trying new paths after learning from previous detours, dead ends, and mistakes.

After 5 years of learning and discovery, I was shocked to see how blatant the advertisers are and how common the lies are online.  The amount of effort that internet marketers will go to create professional-looking ads and sales pitches. At the same time, they fully know that it is mostly about hooks that they use to pull in large numbers of subscribers.  Once subscribed and hooked in, there will be additional costs, up sales, hidden fees, and other affiliate product and service offers waiting to be sent to the subscriber lists.  Often ignoring the subscriber’s contact efforts to make money and progress forward in money-making attempts. Many online marketers don’t have the time to think laterally.

I have made every effort to design this content to be useful, informative, helpful, and honest. The purpose of creating the web site Internet Charlatan Exposed:

This is NOT to discourage anybody in the legitimate use of the internet.

This is NOT to discourage anybody in their genuine internet business effort.

This is NOT to discourage anybody from studying and learning more about the dangers and traps of the internet.

What this web site is about:

Expose the empty lies that are being sold as a real value for money Information products.

Reveal some of the blatant lies that the Too Good To Be True Internet Make-Money-On-line marketers use.

Define what a solid Moral ground is and why it is ethically responsible for staying on it.

Attempt to explain why moral values really do have a monetary value.

Why do the Right Thing, every time?

Learn by sharing.