What is lying and why use it

What is lying and why use it ?

What is lying and why use it ? The obvious answer is to manipulate the outcome, to make an offer that is greater than the actual fact, and to make it more favorable in the eyes of the buyer and so doing will convince the buyer in their thinking that they are making a good value decision to buy.

What is Lying and Why Do Marketers Use it to Make Sales.

From a very young age, all children all told that lying is wrong. They are entertained with stories such as Pinocchio in which they are shown the consequences of lying. Even so, almost everyone incorporates lies into their daily life. It can be little white lies told to save face, or big lies that cause a lot of trouble, like lying on a witness stand. Lying is a big part of our culture, and we lie and are told lies on a daily basis. We all know that it is wrong, but we do it anyway. Conversely, we are lied to as much as we lie, especially by what we are presented with in the media. Many of the advertisements we watch which tell us that a miracle product can change our lives or that we must enroll in some service for promised results are all lies. Those weight loss commercials? You could not possibly lose 90 pounds in one month by taking a simple pill and not exercising or changing your diet in any way. In the marketing world, lies are used regularly just to make sales.

Despite living in a culture that is completely embroiled in lies, lying is not necessary at all. It has been used in marketing for years. In the past, lying in marketing actually used to work. The masses gobbled up the lies as they were being fed to them. Now, laws have been put into place for false advertising, and lying can very well result in a lawsuit. Nowadays, a new level of cynicism has risen among the general public. Before, people were easily convinced by random ads on the internet that they could make money fast by using a simple method. People really did believe that taking one pill would cause them to loose weight. Now, people have seen that all of these methods actually do not work, and can spot a lie from miles away.

When we see a marketing email in our email inbox’s telling us that we must buy something or give our personal information for whatever product it is, we are instantly inclined to not believe it. While there will always be those gullible few, there really is no business in lying anymore. Stretches of the truth can only get so far. Now, it is just better to tell the plain, old-fashioned truth.

It’s important to tell the truth not only because lying is wrong, but because you will get no benefit from it. Customers will not tolerate marketers that do not deliver on something promised in advertising. The public does not have that patience either—and ultimately, it’s just a waste of time and energy to build a marketing campaign based on lies. If what you are selling is worth buying, then people will buy it. You will not need to exaggerate what it does or promise things you cannot deliver. Though it may sound cliche, the truth will definitely set you free. The truth speaks for itself, and a marketing campaign built on honest foundations will succeed in the end.





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